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Motori per cancelli scorrevoli
Motori per cancelli a battente
Motori interrati per cancelli a battente
Motori per porte da garage
Motori per cancelli industriali
Motori per cancelli avvolgibili
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Binari di scorrimento
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Telecomandi per tende, tende da sole e veneziane
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Trasmettitori da parete cablati
Tastiere codificate
Dispositivi di controllo industriali
Interruttori a chiave
Centrali di controllo
Colonne per fotocellule
Listelli di sicurezza
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Cilindri e lucchetti
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Kit solari
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Citofoni e videocitofoni
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Ricambi originali
Lettori RFID e Bluetooth
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This site contains informations about accepted payment methods.

Payment by bank transfer (SEPA)
Payment by bank transfer is offered for every order, regardless of its value and contents. We recommend making payments using the SEPA transfers.

Payment by credit card (eg. Visa, MasterCard)
This payment method is available for most of orders. We accept both credit cards and debit cards. The name of cardholder must be identical as the person placing the order or which is its recipient.

Payment by SOFORT
Availability of this payment method is limited to the following countries: Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, France.

Payment on delivery - if you choose the delivery via courier UPS
If you choose delivery via courier UPS, it is possible to make payment in cash paid to the courier delivering a parcel. Credit cards and checks are not accepted.

Payment on delivery - if you choose delivery via SYSTEMS 4 YOU Logistics
If you choose the delivery via our transportation (SYSTEMS 4 YOU Logistics), there is a possibility of payment in both cash paid to the courier delivering the order or through bank transfer (release of package will be after receiving confirmation of bank transfer). If paying by cash, are accepted only banknotes in the currency EUR. If you prefer to pay in another currency, you must inform us of this fact no later than one day before planned delivery.

Deferred payment
It requires prior arrangements and generally available only to corporate clients, public institutions and government authorities. Use of the possibility of deferred payment requires submission of a written confirmation of the order with the signature of the person authorized to place orders on behalf of customer. Payment for order with deferred must be made by bank transfer (SEPA, SWIFT).