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According to the applicable laws, our customers are eligible to return the merchandise they have purchased in our online shop.

Consumers – natural persons
According to the applicable EU law, consumers have the right to return the merchandise within 14 days from the delivery date (our shop extends this period to 30 days), without naming reasons for withdrawal from the agreement, as stated in general terms and conditions set forth by distance contract regulations. The law specified in this point relates to consumer sales, and therefore it applies only to agreements with natural persons, i.e. persons who have purchased merchandise for non-business or vocation-related purposes. Merchandise returned in this mode shall be accepted only if the merchandise and the accompanying accessories are fully complete, undamaged, and have no marks of use except those resulting from checking the package and testing the item.

After receipt cancellation of your order, we will refund the purchase price for returned product and cheapest shipping charge offered for this product. We can't refund any additional fees like charge for express shipping by courier.

Companies and institutions
Companies and institutions which purchased merchandise in our online shop are also eligible to return it within 30 days from the delivery date. Merchandise must be complete, undamaged and without any marks of wear in order to be returned.

Should the customer wish to exercise their right to withdraw from the agreement, the returnable merchandise should be shipped back at the expense of the customer.

Name and surname
Order number (eg 7548)
Invoice number (eg 405/02/2012)
E-mail address
Phone number (including the country code eg 0044947173849)
Reason for the claim
The merchandise does not meet my expectations or I have changed my mind and want to withdraw from the agreement. I will return the merchandise within 30 days from the claim date.
Additional information